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Products & services



We work exclusively with pre-qualified and certified manufacturers 

Our skills, services and global positioning makes us one of the top players in delivering services, supplies, and development consultancy solutions to our clients in the Energy sector.

We believe in innovation, smarter design, and seamless work processes. Our culture inspires us as we are challenged to find new and better ways of doing things to unlock possibilities for our clients.

We provide a complete portfolio of equipment for the Energy sector. When you purchase equipment from us, you’re getting much more than just the equipment. You’re getting full access to a team of professionals that’s ready to help you get your project up and running. We will help you every step of the way from start to finish. 

We act in our client’s best interests and we are committed to ethical procurement practices and maximizing value by considering cost, delivery, safety, quality, reliability, and applicable laws and regulations.

With advanced global sourcing methods, and a highly experienced team, prized manufacturer relationships, vast consolidation expertise, and a truly innate understanding of our customer's requirements, we always deliver and ultimately save our clients resources and time. 


DIDI´s core business is physical trading and logistics; our investments complement and enhance these activities. We emphasize shipping as the primary asset supporting our physical trading. 



Collins Dawsons´s commodities trading. We use our expertise in logistics and networks to distribute energy efficiently. We operate as physical traders. We source many kinds of commodities counterparties including privately-owned production companies, and public production companies. We also provide marketing solutions for smaller producers with specialist financing.

We use our market intelligence and logistics capabilities to balance supply and demand, optimize supply chains, and service the needs of our customers. DIDI aims to grow with the same integrity that laid its foundation.

We are committed to providing excellent service, building upon existing relationships, and forming lasting and mutually beneficial partnerships.

Contract managing and trading: With DiDi Corp, commodities trading professionals get contract and trading life cycle management, visibility into both physical and financial positions, execution of effective hedging strategies, and more.

Logistics and operations: Logistics and operations professionals get workflow automation, advanced decision-support tools for schedulers, tracking of logistical movements, calculation of rent and logistics costs, tariffs, and more.

Risk management: Management professionals get automated retrieval of credit information, counterparty credit risk management for current and future exposures, counterparty margining, real-time visibility into positions, and more.

Accounting and compliance: Accounting and compliance professionals get the ability to calculate a wide range of complex prices and fees, generation of accurate pre-settlement statements, structured approval processes for settlements, and more.

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